QQQ - long. Traded near end of day off support. Good trade but no movement. Would do this again
PBMD - long. This was good setup with all the ducks in order. I entered with some confidence and then seen two very good SMB traders go short. After it stalled a little I then sold.
This would have a very good trade and now need to work on some way to ignore other traders if I think a trade has merit. Some form of checklist to let me know the stock is still in play and my thesis is supported by some facts and I can then hold
IWM - long. Missed the main fall to support in the morning and took this one near close. A good trade but no upside. Would do this again. IWM has a habit of one good wipeout a day off support and always a second level down so one to watch and understand
TGT-long. Traded off Support after a higher high but not a new overall day high.
In checking there was no reason to trade this one, it was not in play and a weak follow on from some strong retail sector stocks yesterday
A mistake as I did not check this correctly
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