Friday, April 17, 2015


Futures and E-minis all down on open and flat with downside bias all session

Really struggling to get shorts today, seemed most of the world was selling and nothing to borrow so missed 3 trades that I wanted to try

PL Very small size as planned and no A-trades so nothing above 25 shares per trade


last trade of the day and one of Williams.
His style is a little different than mine so plan to copy some of his setups with small size.
Closing play for pullback and did not work. Some will and some wont
Crazy spread and levels very hard to see. A few traders make good money on this type of trade so will keep at it

Short on this one.
It was not in play but is in a slow slide and no volume compared to the day before. Combined with a uncertain market I entered short and held for most of the day
Really happy with this trade

Traded later in the day and got this wrong
Failed to notice that it had been in a downtrend and was making lower highs
Stopped out
Not a good trade


Strong today
Reason to Trade - in partnership with apple to supply solar panels
Made a low and tested this over 40 minutes so support at this level
Entered and held
I missed some high spots as I was away but thats just going to happen so not concerned yet.
Can manage that in time with limits orders to sell

This trade could have been a decent size so missed an opportunity here 

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